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Average Water Use

Updated: Jun 26, 2021

Tips for using water responsibly in the household

In the Kitchen:

•Only fill your kettle with as much water as you need - you'll also save on your electricity bill.

•Don't run your washing machine and dishwasher until they are full.

•Use a basin. It’s useful for washing dishes by hand or collecting the water you use to rinse fruit and vegetables – which can then be used for watering plants.

•Keep a jug of water in the fridge instead of running the tap to make the water cool to drink.

•Check for any leaks in your kitchen.

In the Bathroom:

•Use the shower instead of soaking in the bath.

•Spend less time in the shower (use an in-shower timer).

•Flush the toilet only when necessary - depending on your cistern's age and size.

•Consider adding a displacement device to your cistern to reduce the amount of water used.

•Turn the tap off when brushing your teeth, shaving or washing your face.

In the Garden:

•Collect rainwater to use in your garden instead of using drinking water from the tap.

•Use a rose head watering can instead of a hose to water your plants.

•Avoid watering your lawn – grass can survive long dry spells and recovers quickly with the next rainfall.

•Use a bucket and sponge to wash your car or windows instead of a hose.

•Regularly check your outdoor taps, pipes and plumbing fixtures for leaks.

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